Each week I drop a video:
One Command of Christ.
Command #1
Repent and believe.
Mark 1:15
Command #2
Follow me.
John 10:27
Command #3
Be like me.
Matthew 5:1-12
Command #4
Rejoice when…
Matthew 5:12
Command #5
You must be born again.
John 3:3
Command #6
Come to me.
John 7:47
Command #7
Come to me. (pt.2)
Matthew 14:29
Command #8
Don’t come to me… (pt.3)
John 3:19-21
Command #9
Let the children come to me. (pt.4)
Luke 18:15-17
Command #10
Come to me you who are burdened. (pt.5)
Matthew 11:28-30
Command #11
Let your light shine.
Matthew 5:16
Command #12
Do this… teach this…
Matthew 5:17-20
Command #13
Command #14
Command #15